Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things You Should Know About Psoriasis

By Ryan Walker

Psoriasis is an autoimmune illness affecting the skin and joints. When it impacts the pores and skin it commonly appears as red scaly elevated patches known as plaques. Psoriasis plaques often occur on the elbows and knees, but can affect any area of skin including the scalp and genital area. Psoriasis can vary in severity, from minor localised patches to extensive or even complete skin coverage. Fingernails and toenails are often affected. This is called psoriatic nail dystrophy.

Psoriasis may also trigger inflammation with the joints. That is known as psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint but is most typical within the joints of the fingers and toes. This can result in a sausage-shaped swelling with the fingers and toes recognized as dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis may also affect the hips, knees and spine. That is recognized as spondylitis.

Psoriasis affects both sexes equally, occurs at all ages and is prevalent in 2-3% with the Western populations.

Several elements are thought to aggravate psoriasis. These include tension and excessive alcohol consumption. People with psoriasis might also suffer from depression and loss of self-esteem. As such, quality of life is an important factor in evaluating the severity of the disease. There are many treatments available but simply because of its chronic recurrent nature psoriasis is really a challenge to treat.

Over time, affected pores and skin can become resistant to therapy, particularly when topical corticosteroids are utilized. Also, a treatment that works extremely well in one person might have little effect in another. Thus, doctors frequently use a trial-and-error approach to find a therapy that works, and they might switch treatments periodically (for instance, each 12 to 24 months) if a treatment doesn't work or if adverse reactions happen.

In conclusion, Psoriasis is a chronic condition. There's currently no cure. Individuals frequently experience flares and remissions throughout their life. Controlling the signs and symptoms usually requires lifelong therapy.

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